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we motivate & empower young people to succeed

Positioning Youth To Prosper (PYP) CIC - Patsy Nelson & Karl Thompson Company Directors, Birmingham UK

Positioning Youth To Prosper (PYP) is a Birmingham based, not-for-profit Community Interest Company (CIC), with a social mission at heart. Our purpose is to make a dynamic difference and have a transformational impact on the lives of young people aged 8 to 25 years, who are at risk of, or affected by Poverty & Serious Youth Crime. 

Our ultimate aim is to reduce the national statistics for Child Poverty, Youth Deaths and NEET (Not In Education, Employment and Training). Therefore we focus our services on improving the socio-economic factors that impact families such as; income, education, community safety and social support. Our central role is to deter young people from negative influences that could result in exploitation, injury, imprisonment or death, by steering them towards positive pathways that lead to; Education, Employment, Training and Entrepreneurship.


We enhance our service delivery by partnering with external agencies from the public, private & voluntary sectors to provide a wealth of Expertise and 'Lived Experience.' We utilise a variety of strategies to promote healthy young mindsets, placing great emphasis on self-preservation, self-worth and self-confidence. We also equip young people with the tools required to enter the labour market and minimise the barriers that either delay or prohibit access. Additionally, we empower young people through financial literacy, life skills training, and goal-setting to help them make positive & informed decisions about their future, and gain understanding of how to navigate the systems that influence their lives. We also recognise, identify and support youth creativity, talent, gifts and abilities, as well as show acknowledgement for parental efforts. 


If you or a family you know, could benefit from this type of support, please do not hesitate to contact us.








  • Family Workshops

  • Parenting Support

  • Network Meetings

  • Public Speaking

  • Fundraising Initiatives

  • Seminars & Conferences

  • Outreach Activities & Events



Youth Crime





  • Youth Advocacy

  • Youth/Parent Focus Groups

  • Youth Anti-Crime Projects 

  • PYP's Youth Talent Show

  • PYP Awards Ceremony

  • Community & Police Mediation







  • Financial Literacy & Education

  • Careers Support & Development

  • Start-Up Business Support

  • Small Business Mentorship

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We accept  Bookings from:

  • Parents

  • Schools

  • Churches

  • Businesses

  • Young People 18+

  • Local Authority Providers






"We help to build stronger communities by strengthening families across the city "



"We show young people how knives ruin lives and guns take sons"



"We provide families with the tools to help them move from poverty to prosperity"

pyp make's a difference to the community by strengthening families across the west midlands

We benefit the Family...

  • By improving mental health

  • By reducing household debt

  • By increasing household income

  • By improving physical health & fitness

  • By improving parent-child relationships

  • By improving money management skills

We benefit the School...

  • By improving school attendance

  • By improving attitude to learning

  • By improving classroom behaviour

  • By improving teacher-child relationships

  • By improving school-home communication

We benefit the State...

  • By reducing child poverty

  • By reducing the strain on the NHS

  • By reducing DWP benefit claimants

  • By reducing unemployment in 16-25 years

  • By reducing incidents of serious youth violence

  • By reducing anti-social behaviour orders (ASBO) 

  • By increasing the number of young entrepreneurs

  • By reducing criminal exploitation of young 8-17 year olds

  • By increasing college / apprenticeships / university uptake

Positioning Youth To Prosper (PYP) - Providing Family Support in the West Midlands

Fairgate House part of             


PYP CIC - Fairgate House, Tyseley Birmingham B11 2AA.jpg

The Fairgate House leadership team were more than happy to put their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) into action by sponsoring PYP with an amazing UKO serviced office space in support of the community work we do with families in the City.


Heather Wrigley (General Manager), Neal Simmonds (Area Manager), and James Ellis (Building Manager) have been absolutely amazing and each gone the extra mile to support our organisation in every way possible. In addition to this their maintenance and reception staff; Greg, Phil, Sam, Bethany, Andrea and the rest of their fantastic team have been a great source of support. UKO Fairgate House  have truly gone above and beyond the call of duty to contribute to the fight against Child Poverty and Gun & Knife Crime within the West Midlands


Our all-inclusive facilities feature:

  • Internet / WiFi                               

  • Administration Office

  • Training & Education Room

  • Consultation Room

  • Kitchenette

  • Male/Female Toilets

  • Postal Service

  • 24/7 Access

  • Free Car Parking

  • Lift Access

  • Reception Service

  • Seminar Room

  • Meeting Rooms

  • Cafe Service

If you require office space for your business then look no further. Fairgate House will not only provide you with a great service but also give you the reassurance that they are a company that genuinely cares about the needs of our vulnerable community members!  


Be sure to mention PYP's recommendation when you make your enquiries.

UKO Fairgate House, Tyseley, Birmingham UK

If you are a Corporate Company who would also like to demonstrate your Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) or a Local Business who would like to support our efforts to reduce Poverty and Gun & Knife Crime within the West Midlands, then we would love to hear from you. 

PYP's Community Office
is sponsored by
Fairgate House part of              


In addition to being Sponsored by Fairgate House with our great community facility, it was the 'goodwill' of our Donors that supplied PYP with a surplus amount of office furniture & equipment to support our work. This put us in the privileged position to offer our clients a number of in-house services such as; Workshops, Training Sessions, Consultations, Seminars and Network Meetings.     

Our generous Donors include the organisations listed below.

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An extra special thank you to Emma Clarke-Allsopp at the BVSC Digbeth, who kindly supplied all our Office and Conference I.T Equipment & Furniture. Because of your generous giving we are not only fully equipped, but also more than able to deliver a wide range of Family Services from our community base. We honestly cannot thank you enough! 

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A special thank you also to Lee Kemp and Victoria Peers of Vermillion Films, for their kind donation of our Family Workshop Desks. The desks are also a great resource for our Network Meetings which accommodate external community agencies.


A big thank you to husband and wife team, Myrah & Mark Duckworth, of Stratford Road Baptist Church. They really blessed us with their kind donation of Room Decor, Microwave Oven & Meeting Room Chairs for our Training and Education Room, providing seating for our service users who attend for our scheduled sessions. 

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Much thanks and appreciation is extended to Tim Larden of Ladbrook Insurance, for his arrangement of a generous charitable financial  donation towards our annual business insurance cost. Our insurance policy allows us to provide peace of mind to our service-users, staff, volunteers, partners, funders and sponsors, that we are a responsible organisation who is committed to putting their health & safety needs at the forefront of our service provision. 

Positioning Youth To Prosper (PYP) is pleased that we have been awarded continued funding from The National Lottery Community Fund to support our work. This kind of funding is what enables PYP to deliver FREE  programmes that:

  • promote healthy and positive mindsets;

  • provide a safe and stimulating environment;

  • provide exposure to positive life-changing experiences;

  • give direction for crime avoidance and conflict resolution;

  • offer healthy meal options and education on diet, rest & exercise;

  • offer guidance and protection against sexual & criminal exploitation;

  • provide opportunities for; education, employment, training & business.


PYP would like to take this opportunity to personally thank all National Lottery players for making our work possible. Your contributions allow us to continue to support some of the most vulnerable families within the United Kingdom.


We would also like to commend our other funders such as The Police & Crime Commissioners Office and the Arnold Clark Community Fund, on their efforts to help grass-root organisations like PYP carry out our much needed work for the benefit of young people and their families.

We are confident that PYP will continue to receive more funds throughout the year(s) to come, from individuals, crowdfunding, sponsors and investors within the public, private & voluntary sectors.


This will help us continue to touch the lives of young people who are affected by poverty and youth violence.  

If you are an Individual or a Company and your heart has been moved to support our Outreach Work and Community Projects, we would love to hear from you. 

Every time you invest your time, money & resources in PYP
you are helping to position a young person to prosper!

Young people have told us that they rarely get the opportunity to 'just be themselves.' This is because they spend much of their time in controlled environments that dictate their choices and focus attention on attainment, grades and targets, thus limiting their ability to exercise their natural, God-given creativity. Positioning Youth To Prosper (PYP), on the other hand, intentionally creates environments and opportunities that encourage this freedom of expression, allowing them to explore who they are and what they want to be. Once identified, we look at ways to develop and enhance these gifts & talents in order to help young people recognise their purpose and set goals for achievement. 

we listen to young voices
Positioning Youth To Prosper (PYP) Logo

Young people want to learn but they also want their voices to be heard. They want to be able to share their thoughts and feelings in an atmosphere that gives them the freedom to safely do so, with people who genuinely care. This is why we incorporate discussions and questions & answer sessions into all our programmes. We feel that by doing this it gives young people a sense of value and purpose whilst also helping to develop their communication skills within group settings. They are able to express themselves openly enabling them to gain a sense of belonging and empowerment but also prepares them with the skills required for the wider educational and workforce environments.



As professionals we know that it is vitally important for us to develop and maintain strong and trusting relationships with the parents/carers of the young people we serve. Parents leave their children with us for long periods of time so we need to assure them that the environment and staff are professional, safe, competent  and caring. Therefore we adopt an open door policy which enables parents to freely ask questions, observe practice and even volunteer their services (subject to safety checks and requirement). Communication with parents is vital because it allows us to learn more about the young people and understand their needs. Listening to the feedback of parents really helps us to improve our services and plan better. In addition, their evaluation of our work is imperative for assessing the level of impact our support is having on their children and family. We also offer Parenting Support for the parents/carers of the young people who are referred to our services. The support they receive is delivered via workshops, group sessions, seminars, conferences and outreach events.

Positioning Youth To Prosper (PYP) CIC. Happy Parent
Positioning Youth To Prosper (PYP) - Youth Crime Prevention, Daniel Baird Bleed Control Kit - Birmingham, West Midlands

we teach young people how to save their peers

Our Workshops provide life-saving training that teaches members of the community what to do in an emergency situation.


With the increasing daily horror reports around knife crime, and the West Midlands reported to be carrying the second highest rate in the UK, never has there been a more important time as now to ensure that members of the community possess the basic life-saving skills to help preserve the life of a family member, friend, neighbour or work colleague until the emergency services arrive.. 

We deliver training to Young People and Adults. So if you are interested in booking this service to be delivered within your School, College, University, Church, Community Centre, Children Centre or Workplace etc, then please contact us for more information.


Alternatively, subject to availability, you may book a place on one of our monthly group sessions. Please inquire for more details. 


Book your life-saving workshop NOW!

*Bleed Control Kit donated to the 'Positioning Youth To Prosper Project' by Bishop Desmond Jaddoo, on behalf of the 'Daniel Baird Foundation' who are doing an excellent job at getting these fantastic life-saving aids into public locations throughout the UK.   

Positioning Youth To Prosper (PYP) Project - First Aid Training Workshop for young people - in Birmingham,West Midlands
we offer an amazing anti-youth crime project
Positioning Youth To Prosper (PYP) working in partnership with Red Thread, Youth Violence Intervention Agency, Birmingham UK

We run programmes that are specifically designed to steer young people away from a life of crime and violence, by alerting them to the dangers on the street and the devastating consequences that can result from dangerous lifestyles. Our programmes include collaborating with Youth Violence Intervention agencies such; as Red Thread, whose work incorporates hospital based provisions. These specialists are able to share first-hand information on the activities that take place once a victim has arrived in the A & E hospital department following injury with a deadly weapon and the impact on parents, relatives and friends. They are also able to discuss the prognosis for long-term injuries and the implications when a life is lost. 

Positioning Youth To Prosper (PYP) working in partnership with West Midlands Ambulance, Birmingham UK

Our programmes offer support to families from inner city areas  who are at risk of, or affected by serious youth crime. Low income can  have a negative impact on the health and well being of young people. Therefore working alongside West Midlands Ambulance is an absolute necessity when it comes to the subject of youth violence. These experts are able to provide scenarios that give families greater insight into what is involved when they receive a 999 paramedic emergency call out to the scene of a crime involving a young person who has been injured by a gun or knife. The atmosphere, and level of skilled medical intervention used, in an attempt to preserve life and stabilise the patient for transfer to the hospital, is extremely intense as no-one wants to see a young person die. These health professionals are able to describe the extent of the trauma attached to these scenarios, the possible long-term psychological effects and the after-care that is often required for the victim, family, medical staff and bystanders.

Positioning Youth To Prosper (PYP) working in partnership with West Midlands Police, Birmingham UK

Our crime prevention programmes includes educating parents and young people from low income households on how easy it is to fall victim to a life of criminal activity in their quest to make money. West Midlands Police are extremely instrumental at supporting our 'crime does not pay' message. They are great for informing youth on topics surrounding; how to stay safe on the streets, criminal activity avoidance, joint enterprise and Section 60 'Stop & Search.' Collaborating with West Midlands Police enables our young programme participants to learn more about the role of law-enforcement officers as well as providing opportunities to discuss the reasons behind the breakdown in relationship between the police and local community residents. 

pyp may SAVE 100
YOUNG lives BUT Together we CAN SAVE 1000's!!!

PYP is always happy to Collaborate with external Family Support agencies and individuals who are also working hard to reduce; Child Poverty, Youth Deaths & NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training).

Does this describe your organisation?

  • You work with young people aged 8 - 25 years;

  • You deliver youth services within Birmingham;

  • You have a similar vision and/or objectives;

  • You uphold similar company values;

  • You share the same level of passion for youth;

  • You are looking to achieve similar outcomes;

  • You offer a high quality standard of service;

  • You provide a 'family-centred' service;

  • You apply a holistic approach to practice;

  • You implement a solution-focused approach;

  • You offer a complementary service;

  • You appreciate the concept of teamwork;

  • You are a forward-thinking service provider.

If this list describes your organisation and you are interested in working alongside us, we would love to hear from you. 

Would you like to include PYP in any of your Events?

If you or someone you know is hosting a family or youth event that you would like PYP to be involved in, then please do not hesitate to inquire about booking us. Events can include: Seminars, Conferences, Network Meetings, Projects, Workshops or Fundraisers.  

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UKO Fairgate House, Tyseley, Birmingham UK
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Avoca Court,

23 Moseley Road,



B12 0HJ​

Our Head Office does not offer services to the public.

Please contact our Community Office for all inquiries. 



205 Kings Road



B11 2AA


09:30 AM - 4:30 PM

Our PYP Community Office

is where all our general administration and enquiries are handled. It is also where the PYP Team are based and where a number of our workshops, training sessions and community activities take place.  



Community Office Landline:

0121 289 2128

Office phone lines are open during office hours only.  

Our PYP Community Office

is closed all weekends and

public bank holidays.


Our Community Office is situated approximately 3.0 miles from Birmingham City Centre. We are only a short distance away from Tyseley train station and are well served by bus services along the Warwick Road and Coventry Road.  


When visiting our offices be sure to register your car at the reception to avoid getting a parking penalty.


Nearby Public Transport Includes:  

Buses: 36, 4, 4A

Train: Tyseley Station (5 min walk)


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© 2022 Positioning Youth To Prosper (PYP) CIC.  All rights reserved 

PYP is a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee | Regulated by: The Office of the Regulator of Community Interest Companies 

Registered in England: Reg No. 12807869 | Registered Office: Avoca Court, 23 Moseley Road, Digbeth, Birmingham B12 0HJ 


All images and written information contained within this website are displayed exclusively for the use of Positioning Youth To Prosper (PYP) CIC. All logos are the copyrighted property of Positioning Youth To Prosper. Permission for use of images and videos contained within this website have been exclusively obtained from the individuals and/or their guardians. Use of any stock images has been granted by agreement via the website host. PYP does not grant permission for any third party use of any information contained within this site for promotion, marketing, sale or any other purpose. Where PYP CIC has included the use of external information, the source has been referenced so as to give full credit and recognition to the original author(s) or owner(s) of the material.

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