Our Services Inform, Empower & Transform Mindsets
Positioning Youth To Prosper (PYP) is a forward thinking, solution-focused organisation. Therefore in response to the crisis situation around serious youth crime within the West Midlands and the added; financial, social and mental health pressures that the COVID-19 pandemic has placed on families, we regularly review our range of services to ensure we are continually meeting the changing needs of the community.

Family Activities & Community Outreach Events
Family Support Service
Positioning Youth To Prosper (PYP) assists with the repair and restoration of broken relationships by encouraging families to participate in activities that involve spending quality time together and working as a team. We offer an inclusive programme that enables wider community members to also take part, in an attempt to promote community cohesion. In addition, it opens up the opportunity for PYP to be able to offer paid and unpaid work experience to young people and adults, who are either unemployed and/or from low-income households.
The types of activities and events PYP offers include:
Quiz Nights
Movie Nights
Disco Nights
Family Away Trips
Seasonal Activities
PYP's family and outreach activities & events may take place both in the community or via virtual approach. They may also be delivered during school term-time, holiday seasons, evenings, weekends and public bank holidays. The location is always dependent on the type of activity and target audience. However, they are always well advertised through our usual radio, newspaper and social media channels.
If you have a young person, parent, class or group who would benefit from our services then please do not hesitate to Contact Us.
We offer free and paid services please enquire for more information.

Seminars & Conferences
Family Support Service
Positioning Youth To Prosper (PYP) host a number of annual seminars and conferences that offer information, education and support to young people, families and the wider community. These events are centred around reducing; Child Poverty, Youth Crime & Financial Hardship, and attendees are offered a variety of incentives to encourage active participation. PYP collaborates with many agencies to deliver these events including; Community Organisations, Public Services and Corporate & Local Businesses.
We are particularly keen to hear from: Keynote/Guest Speakers and Field Specialists/Experts. If this is something you are interested in being a part of, then please visit our contact us page to express your interest via email, and we will contact you with more information. ​
Our seminars and conferences are usually advertised throughout our main social media platforms; i.e. Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn & WhatsApp. We also promote through local authority establishments, local community venues, newspaper publications and radio stations. Tickets for attendance can be obtained via platforms such as; Eventbrite or directly via our website.
Business Owners/Entrepreneurs/Influencers
If you have a business and would like to book a front stage marketing slot to promote your enterprise to our event attendees, then please contact us via email for more information.
If you are interested in exhibiting at any of our events please email us your details so you can join our list and be one of the first to know about our events and benefit from any discounts we may be offering.
If you have a young person, parent, class or group who would benefit from our services then please do not hesitate to Contact Us.
We offer free and paid services please enquire for more information.

Network Meetings
Family Support Service
Positioning Youth To Prosper (PYP) offers themed networking events that focus on Education, Employment, Training and Entrepreneurship. We work in partnership with various organisations including; businesses, banks, colleges and universities, to deliver the support young people require for career development.
Venue Owners/Corporate Businesses/Local Businesses
If you would like to use your Corporate Social Responsibility for a great community cause then this would be a perfect opportunity for you to do so. All you have to do is give us a call or email your expression of interest and we will get back to you. Please be sure to visit our INVEST IN A CHILD page for more information about sponsorship and donations.
If you are interested in exhibiting at any of our events please email us your details so you can join our list and be one of the first to know about our events and benefit from any discounts we may be offering.
If you have a young person, parent, class or group who would benefit from our services then please do not hesitate to Contact Us.
We offer free and paid services please enquire for more information.

Family Workshops
Family Support Service
Positioning Youth To Prosper (PYP) run a number of Health & Wellbeing Workshops for families with young people aged 8 - 25 years. They are extremely popular and cover a range of topics such as; Basic Life Saving, Confidence Building, Staying Safe.
As well as our in-house sessions we also run workshops from various community venues across the City of Birmingham, this includes; schools, church halls, community centres & children centres. Workshops generally take place during school term-time, and holiday seasons. Subject to demand we may also run weekend sessions.
PYP works in partnership with a variety of external specialist agencies to also provide 'Well-Being Surgeries' that focus on healthy lifestyle and habits. The aim of these sessions is to raise health awareness by promoting nutrition, physical exercise, mental wellbeing, healthy relationships & lifestyle choices.
If you would like PYP to run a workshop in your establishment please visit our contact page to email your request. To refer a young person to attend a PYP workshop, please enquire for details. For more information visit our WORKSHOP PAGE
If you have a young person, parent, class or group who would benefit from our services then please do not hesitate to Contact Us.
We offer free and paid services please enquire for more information.
Public Speaking
Family Support Service | Youth Crime Prevention Service | Financial Education Service
Positioning Youth To Prosper (PYP) is a brand that the community not only recognise but also look to for guidance and support. Over the years we have used our voices to speak to young people (and their parents/carers) directly, as well as speak on behalf of young people. Public Speaking has become a integral part of the family service we provide as it gives us a platform to stand before young people and the wider community with a message that not only Raises Awareness, but also Informs, Challenges, Motivates & Inspires individuals to change their lives for the better.
If you would like to 'Book Us To Speak' to your young people, parents, group, staff or at your event or school assembly etc, then please do not hesitate to contact us.
For more information visit our SPEAKING PAGE
We offer free and paid services please enquire for more information.

Fundraising Initiatives
Family Support Service | Youth Crime Prevention Service | Financial Education Service
Positioning Youth To Prosper (PYP) is constantly looking at ways to raise funds and generate a regular income in order to remain sustainable. Everything we do is for the benefit of the families we serve, however it can be really difficult at times because we have to budget so carefully. This is because we are not yet in a position where money is coming into the company on a regular daily basis like high street and online shopping stores, and even they struggle at times.
Our Fundraising Initiatives provide a solution to our financial problem by providing members of the public and businesses with numerous ways in which they might consider 'giving' to a worthy cause. This includes
Volunteering your time
Making a Cash Donation
Making a Resource Donation
Purchasing our Products & Services
Crowd Funding (collective community effort)
Using your Corporate Social Responsibility (For businesses)
Click here to read more information about Invest In A Child
If you are a private investor or public/charitable organisation, with funds to support our work, we would love to hear from you.
In any case, no matter who you are, if after reading this information you feel led to make a contribution, we want to say a big "THANK YOU & God Bless" in advance!
If you have a young person, parent, class or group who would benefit from our services then please do not hesitate to Contact Us.
We offer free and paid services please enquire for more information.

Youth Awards
Family Support Service | Youth Crime Prevention Service | Financial Education Service
Positioning Youth To Prosper (PYP) loves bringing communities together to celebrate the gifts, talents and abilities of young people. Therefore, every year we show recognition of this through our PYP Annual Banqueting Awards Ceremony which includes a Youth Talent Show. This event covers the needs of all three of our core service areas which is why we believe it has been such a success since it's first appearance in 2013.
The PYP Banqueting Awards Ceremony consists of:
THE PYP AWARDS - which recognises improved and outstanding Attendance & Behaviour in Education.
PYP'S GOT TALENT - which showcases youth talent and achievements in Creative Arts, Education, Training, Employment & Entrepreneurship.​
If you are a business who is interested in offering your services or becoming a Sponsor to support this wonderful event then please do not hesitate to Contact Us.
If you have a young person, parent, class or group who would benefit from our services then please do not hesitate to Contact Us.
We offer free and paid services please enquire for more information.

Parenting Support
Family Support Service | Youth Crime Prevention Service | Financial Education Service
Positioning Youth To Prosper (PYP) incorporates support for the parents and carers of young people who fit our criteria. Parenting support falls under all three umbrella's: Family Support, Youth Crime Prevention and Financial Education, and is offered in a variety of ways including; Workshops, Parent Information Surgeries In Schools, Coffee Mornings, Online Events, Seminars and Conferences.
PYP also provides Crime Prevention Parenting Support which incorporates experts in the field such as; police, criminologists, counsellors etc. These field specialists help parents to identify warning signs and know the correct course of action to take. They also gain awareness on how to locate & access community-based support agencies.
If you have a young person, parent, class or group who would benefit from our services then please do not hesitate to Contact Us.
We offer free and paid services please enquire for more information.

Youth Anti-Gun & Knife Crime Projects
Youth Crime Prevention Service
Positioning Youth To Prosper (PYP) provides all year round projects for young people aged 8-25 years. The main aim of our projects is to motivate and develop young people in the areas of Education, Employment, Training and Entrepreneurship. We use a combination of teaching approaches to accommodate the various learning styles to get our messages across to the young people.
Our Youth Projects complement statutory school education by offering young people extra-curricular activities that educate and inform about; healthy lifestyle choices that can improve the socio-economic conditions of low income households, and raise greater awareness of options pertaining to career pathways. Our project components place great emphasis on Crime Avoidance, Personal Development, Health & Well-Being and Team Building. A variety of educational sessions are delivered throughout including; First Aid Training, Motivation, Confidence Building, Life Skills Training, Health & Lifestyle Training, Sporting Activities, Team Building Activities and Creative Arts etc.
We partner with many agency providers from the public, private and voluntary sectors across the city and country. PYP projects usually take place during school holidays, unless otherwise requested, and are generally one week in length. However, we are able to offer shorter or longer project duration's at your request. For more information visit our PROJECT PAGE
If you would like PYP to run a project in your establishment for your young people please email us your request. Otherwise, look out for our annual projects which you may refer a young person who fits the criteria. Feel free to inquire for more details.
If you have a young person, parent, class or group who would benefit from our services then please do not hesitate to Contact Us.
We offer free and paid services please enquire for more information.

Youth & Parent Focus Groups
Youth Crime Prevention Service
Positioning Youth To Prosper (PYP) offers this service because we believe that the only way to really make a positive impact is by listening to our key stakeholders. As well as being relevant and current, it is important that the services we provide remain youth and family-centred at all times. We therefore rely on the 'voices' of those who matter most to help to shape and mold the organisation. For this reason we utilise the knowledge & experience of our focus groups to not only inform our practice but also provide solutions to the problems that are affecting their daily; physical, mental, emotional and socio-economical well-being.
If you know of any young people and parents who would be interested in joining our PYP Focus Groups, we would be grateful if you could direct them to us.
If you have a young person, parent, class or group who would benefit from our services then please do not hesitate to Contact Us.
We offer free and paid services please enquire for more information.

Youth Advocacy
Youth Crime Prevention Service
Positioning Youth To Prosper (PYP) advocates for young people on a level beyond the implementation of projects. We support the voices of young people to champion changes relating to fairness & equality in the Education, Employment and the Policing System.
PYP advocates for young people by:
Acting as an information resource and mediation service between law enforcement agencies and families;
Working alongside educational establishments to help improve the relationship between home and school;
Encouraging local businesses and larger corporations to offer more work experience opportunities for youth;
Working alongside teaching staff to help develop positive relationships between teachers and pupils/students;
Promoting opportunities for young people to gain early access to careers information & startup business advice;
If you have a young person, parent, class or group who would benefit from our services then please do not hesitate to Contact Us.
We offer free and paid services please enquire for more information.

Community & Police Mediation
Youth Crime Prevention Service
Positioning Youth To Prosper (PYP) provides a Community & Police Mediation Programme that is designed to help bridge the gap between the Black Community and Law Enforcement.
Our Mediation Programme aims to reduce tension and improve the relationship between the black community and police through educational provisions that make space for black voices to be expressed, heard and acted upon.
Our programme consists of a number of different initiatives that involve collaborative working with families, police and the wider community members with a view to seeing change at local and national levels.
If you have a young person, parent, class or group who would benefit from our services then please do not hesitate to Contact Us.
We offer free and paid services please enquire for more information.

Financial Literacy & Education
Financial Education Service
Positioning Youth To Prosper (PYP) works in partnership with external providers to deliver education and practical assistance to families around the subject of finances. PYP uses a variety of financial education strategies to help deter young people from entering into a life of crime by exposing them to legitimate ways of earning money and planning for a future of financial freedom.
PYP collaborates with public and private sector financial service providers to teach young people and parents how to save and invest for profit & growth with a view towards generating an increased household income from earnings & investments. PYP works alongside statutory, private and voluntary sector agencies and businesses to provide young people, families and the wider community with information and opportunities to access education, employment, training and entrepreneurship.
A variety of topic areas are covered to help prepare young people for adult life, this includes; spending, budgeting, paying bills, credit cards, loans, secured/unsecured loans, debt avoidance/management, savings, investments, tax planning, protection, charity donations and leaving a legacy.
If you have a young person, parent, class or group who would benefit from our services then please do not hesitate to Contact Us.
We offer free and paid services please enquire for more information.

Careers Support & Development
Financial Education Service
Positioning Youth To Prosper (PYP) provides a Youth Careers Programme which includes working alongside Colleges, Universities and Local Businesses who are looking to work in an outreach capacity to capture the attention of young people. Our aim is to support the school curriculum by providing additional educational & experiential learning opportunities to demonstrate to young people the options available to them to gain legitimate earnings in employment or business.
If you are a business, college or university that is interested in collaborating with us, please visit our contact page to express your interest via email.
If you have a young person, parent, class or group who would benefit from our services then please do not hesitate to Contact Us.
We offer free and paid services please enquire for more information.
Startup Business Support & Small Business Mentorship
Financial Education Service
Positioning Youth To Prosper (PYP) is extremely passionate about business and therefore look to offer guidance and direction to young people and family members who are interested in becoming Entrepreneurs or Business Owners. We offer one-to-one support and group sessions which can be delivered over a period of weeks or months, depending on personal need.
The PYP team consists of businessmen and business women with years of experience in a variety of industries. PYP also collaborates with external company directors to share their experiences and expertise to help both young people and their parents embark on this journey.
In addition we target the young black community, particularly 16-25 year olds, for Startup Business Support to help them stay off the streets and redirect their gifts, talents, effort and energy into establishing themselves in business, particularly because they are under-represented in this area, and misrepresented in the mainstream media. Our aim is to help to increase the economy within the black community and reduce the preconceived ideas, stereotypes, perceptions and unconscious bias that some members of society holds.
If you have a young person or parent who is interested in starting up their own business, or need help to get their small business off the ground, then please visit our Contact Us page to send your expression of interest in support and we will get back to you.
We offer free and paid services please enquire for more information.